Now that the holidays are over it is time for me to start focusing on some spring cleaning and decorating. I want to recover all the existing pillows I have on the sofas and make some new ones. In the living room we have cream colored sofas and a dark chocolate brown leather chair and ottoman. I think once I find the fabric I want, I can move forward. Here are few that I liked but I am still searching but these all have potential.
Jenaveve Linen by Valorie Wells for FreeSpirit
Sugar Pop by Liz Scott for Moda is one of my FAVORITE collections right now.
The leather furniture in the basement and the orange sectional in the loft are going to have to wait until the next go around. I need to focus on the main floor, including my bedroom before I can even begin to tackle another area.
I have been browsing all sorts of blogs and websites for inspiration and pillow tutorials. I had no idea there were so many. Who knew pillows were so hot?
Pleated Pillow Cover Tutorial from Make It and Love It
Log Cabin Pillow from Bayou Bags
Pretty Ruffle Pillow tutorial from Portabellopixie (Sandi Henderson)
Snow Mum Pillow pattern from Amy Butler
Cathedral Window Pillow tutorial from Warmth in the North
Recycled Rose Pillow Tutorial from Alisa Burke
How to Sew a Throw Pillow in 10 Easy Steps from Cottage Magpie
Super Easy Removable Pillow Cover Tutorial from Sparkle Power
So many great ideas, so little time to make them. Time to dig in my stash and possibly order some more fabric.
As you can see, I am all over the place. Any suggestions for pillow patterns or fabric?