So in my Hot Cocoa post yesterday, I used the phrase "back in the day." For anyone that works with me, they know how much I H-A-T-E that phrase. It is more over used than "think outside the box." BTW, another phrase I hate. Almost as much as Jenn hates the use of papyrus (Note to Jenn, saw it used on a produce truck yesterday. Why?).
Most of the people I work with use this phrase to describe the work culture in the mid-70s when they all were young and carefree...smoking, drinking, having casual naked indiscretions with co-workers. It seems like that is all they ever really want to talk about. They worked together, played sports together, drank together, went home together. You get the idea. They still talk about this like it happened last year. Come on, people. Put away your polyester, elastic waisted pants (seriously, if you could only see where I work) and join us in this century. Try and focus on what your job means today. If you can't do that, maybe it is time to retire. Really. You have been there for 40 years.